Thursday, 2 September 2010

Wednesday 2nd September 2010

Sound of the alarm went at 6:10 which instantly meant movement in my sons room - "Morning Mummy" boomed through the baby monitor and then came the clonk click of the bedroom door, my son had awoken in a lot better mood than he had gone to bed in, which  was a result of too much fun and no sleeptime at Nursery the day before.  My daughter was not so happy in her mood as she awoke 15mins later "Mummy, Mummy" is all we get through the monitor as D and I drink our hot tea and warm bottle of Milk.  Once in the car ready for Nursery -yes I try to be an ecomummy but living in a village when trying to get everyone ready for the day ahead and having to traverse past tractors, dog walkers, baby moorhens, chickens and sheep our vehicle gets us there quicker.  and we still have time to look out the window and comment upon the mist or fog, the animals and clouds in the sky.  Poppy Dog sits in the front seat licking lips as we pass the chickens and bends gentley into the 90 degree bend.  Kids dropped off at Nursery, kissed and waved goodbye to [makes me feel a warm glow and proud and partly wanting to stay with them and have fun too] but back home to walk Poppy Dog before a full day in the home office with another nice warm cup of tea.

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