Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Dodgy prawns and Poppy Dog walks.

What a end or start to the week! I always do see Sunday as the last day in the week, a day of reflection and soul searching, this Sunday I spent most of it in the bathroom, I think it was a dodgy prawn, as the other 9 persons all seem fine including my two darlings who had a bit of rice and noodles. So Monday was a day of recovery whilst keeping the darlings amused, luckily it was a gorgeous afternoon in the Village and they played outside all afternoon and into the evening before bath and bed, which led to a whole night of restful sleep, bless them, hoping for this again tonight as another good day for playing in the garden.

Last week I managed a walk around the Village in my lunch hour and took the opportunity of taking my camera with me not forgetting of course Poppy Dog as well, and I got a few really good snaps of the surrroundings if I do say so myself.  I was so pleased with the results that I hurried - in the car the 6 1/2 miles to my nearest shopping metropolis to get them printed off, you can see a few of the results on the left hand side.  I decided to put them into an album and left them at the back of the Church.  I went to pick them up yesterday whilst walking Poppy Dog and as usual met a few people along the way and was delighted that the album had gone down well following the Sunday Service especially my picture of  "Ken" a wonderful gentleman who looks after the Church.

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