Wednesday, 29 December 2010

FOG - Will we ever get better?

Yes it is FOGGY here today but it also seems that illness has been hanging over the village now like pea soup for a very long time. Just when we think we are in the clear, those blasted bugs come back.  My daughter was very kind in accommodating tonsilitus over the Christmas Holiday and before that for a few weeks the usual cough and cold blighters where around. I am doing very well at keeping a lurgie at bay, I'm sure it is lurking in some deep dark corner waiting for me to forget it's there!  and now with us back to 'normaility' my daughter is ill again! the antibiotics seemed to have done the trick, but 2 days have gone by now and we are waiting for the duty doctor to call us as all the appointments have gone for the day.

Other friends in the Village near by have had self-inflicted illnesses brought upon themselves due to excessive amounts of alcohol - I will be sending you Get Well Cards!

But we must go on of course! ready to bring in the NEW YEAR - 2011 - what will it bring, happiness, joy, peace and maybe a new job would be nice. 

So things to celebrate today

1) kids have discovered how to turn on the CD player,
2) kids have discovered how to change CDs
3) kids have discovered how to TURN UP THE VOLUME!
4) but kids have not discovered how to turn down the volume.
5) kids still remember the words to their Christmas Nativity song - JINGLE BELLS
6) the dustmen will be here tomorrow!
7) think there is no more we can do with turkey
8) my brain age is coming down
9) my body is still functioning after playing Wii Dance last night
10) soon be time for lunch!

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