Saturday, 2 October 2010

The eve of my birthday

I'm terrible, I'm like a little kid - I love Birthdays even if I have to make my own cake, remind the husband in countdown fashion that it's 4 weeks to my birthday, 3 weeks to my birthday, 2 weeks [you get the jist!]

Just finished making the cake - will ice it tormorrow, just plain white I think and then made some Panna Cotta yum yum. 

So I have just sat down with a nice cup of tea and rung my Mum to tell her that I will miss her tomorrow, but will see her later in the week and arrange to meet up for a nice lunch, we also remember my Grandma's Birthday as she would have been 93 years old today and reflect on the day as it is the Feast day of the Guardian Angels as well 

I relayed the latest antics of the grandchildren to her which made us both laugh - Son would not stop talking for a 2 1/2 year old he certainly goes on and on, we were driving to the supermarket and I asked him to have a sleep on the way and he said ok and I looked in the rear view mirror and the kid had gone to sleep!

Daughter did not seem happy with her clothes today she told Daddy that her jeans were broken - in fact they were fashionably adorned with false patchwork squares, so we told her that she was our little fashion princess, somehow I don't think she was convinced.

Took Poppy Dog for a walk after tea, but unfortunately we came home with her a bag of nerves as some village folk have decided to shoot at pigeons and hearing the shot guns going off in close range became a little scarry for both Poppy and me, these are the sorts of village sounds that we tend to hear now and again, I don't mind them from a distance but less that 100 metres too close!

Lets hope it's a good day tomorrow  - even if it rains which is a 99.9% chance that it will.

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